Transformation Often Begins With a Single Conversation
Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate to be in rooms with high-level leaders where critical issues are being discussed. Often, I feel a mixture of emotions. First, incredibly inspired by the dynamic ideas that are being shared and eager to do my part to help. But also, a feeling that something, or someone, is missing from the dialogue—key voices, experiences and backgrounds that could make solutions so much stronger and more inclusive.
“Our mission is to ensure that it our beautiful and diverse world is also inclusive. That means embracing the views and experiences of people who don’t look like us, speak like us, think like us, love like us, or pray like us,” Senter said. “We encourage the people we meet, not to hide their differences…but to share with the world who they are, where they come from, and where their hearts and minds will carry them into the future.”

Women of Color Hit a ‘Concrete Ceiling’ in Business
“When you have the opportunity to get more women of color promoted and more women of color in the pipeline, you take that opportunity,” says Keisha Senter “We want a seat at the table. We want an opportunity to be given that voice and to build that pipeline so there are more individuals who come through just like us.”